I'm a CNC newbie and I'm pulling the trigger this week on the mill & lathe combo. I'm going to be doing mostly 6060 aluminum sheet for building electronic enclosures. None of my work requires high tolerances but good finish work. The lathe will be used for knobs & round feet and any other round stock I might want to nibble on.

Here is what I'm ordering. To be honest I don't know exactly what tooling I'm going to need. I'm going to build the stand myself from the DIY directions.

  • Tormach Tooling System
  • Standard Guard Kit
  • Duality Lathe
  • Deluxe Tooling Set for Lathe
  • High Speed Spindle Kit
  • Machine Arm
  • Dell Computer w/LCD
  • mini USB Keyboard
  • Video Extension

Is there anything obvious that I'm missing. I have a fork lift which I figured I could get the thing up on the stand with. I'm sure there are tooling nicks and knacks I'll need. I'll need to pick up some coolant so any suggestions on that front would be welcome.