I am not sure if this is the right forum to post to but here it goes...

I have just been brought in charge of a shop that services the industrial design department, architecture department and city planning department of a university.

I have worked in a few shops and helped build one from almost scratch, but this time it is a little bit more complicated.

The shop will be titled something in the lines of a "Prototype and Product development Workshop" and it needs to have all the right tools to be able to build functioning models of products/furniture/automotive parts and also scale models of buildings and cities (parts of cities). It needs to carry tools for woodworking, plastics/composites and metals.

What I need advice on is if any of you can point me towards books, articles or websites that carry information on designing workshops for general prototype making/building.

I have currently made a list of the bigger machines that I will need to order for the shop, but what I need help on is placement of these machines (5-axis CNC, CNC Lathe, CNC pipe bender etc. etc.), placement of student worktables, air supply (for tools and machines), safety steps, types of floors for a workshop (epoxy, granite etc.) and any other important workshop considerations.

Thx for all the help.