
The following is just sort of an semi-serious exercise in design brainstorming.

I've been thinking about making on ofthese but scaled up to be on some grander scale, like 6 feet by 4.5 feet.
Now I havent really mapped it out yet or anything but I was thinking about having 10 pins per square inch or so. That'd probably be something like a .25" diameter rod, 9 per square inch or some such thing. That'd be like ~35000 rods/pins.

So the drilling part doesnt seem to hard, make the back board in smallish pieces and then attach it all together or get a large router table to do it. One of the questions would be what to use for a backing material, how thick etc.
Secondly the pins, well thats alot of pins, and each one needs to have one end crushed/mushroomed out so that it is retained. Some sort of an automated gadget for this would be good, or prebought because if each rod was 1" long that'd be ~2916 feet of .25"dia rod. Which isnt a small amount.

So, how would you go about doing this, what changes would you make, what insights do you have