Hi everyone, I have a question about using a G-Rex to a typical home CNC environment. How feasible is it to have multiple machines (a lathe and a mill, to start) with dedicated Geckodrives, but have it set up so a single G-Rex could be connected to one machine or the other?

From my inexperienced vantage point, it appears to me that the Geckodrives are tuned for each motor, but the GRex has no definite relation like that. Have I got this right?

Barring any major obstacles, I figure connecting to one machine or the other would mean perhaps 8-10 multipin connectors, two per axis (so that signal and power lines can be separated and better shielded), and extras for coolant pump, enclosure switches, etc. I think the simplicity, reliability, and ability to add a second GRex (budget permitting) would outweigh the need to swap connectors.

Scheming aside, how well would this work? Any flat-out showstoppers?
