Hi everyone,
Here is another thread from me, hope you can help. I'm new to MAch3 so go easy on me.

I bought a MPG pendent + C22 adaptor for LPT2 from CNC4PC, had the adaptor connected to LPT2, followed this link for setups:


LPT 2 and LPt 3 = Sunix 4018a 2 ports Parallel Universal PCI Board ( http://www.sunix.com.tw/it/en/Produc...a_id=0&sid=479)

In Mach 3 ----->Config ------> Ports and Pin :

enabled Port #1 = 0378 (port address)

enabled Port #2 = the LPT 2 port address,

To check the LPT 2 port address ----> Device manager ------> Ports (com & LPT) ----> PCI EPP/ECP Parallel Port (LPT2)-----> Resources ------> SNXPCARD_ENUM\SNXPCARD_PARPECP\1409&7268_01041409_00F0_PORT1

What should I put in the LPT 2port address in Mach 3? is it 00F0? or...
