FINALLY did the Onecnc demo today, with dial up internet.
I've been busy with other stuff.

My opinion is that, even with dial up, it works well enough to give a good
overview of the software. I am impressed with it. I got a look at Express MIll, and YES, Lathe XR.....still beta but due out.....soon.....2 weeks??

I use Alibre for CAD, ($700) and for my puropses, I seen no advantage in my buddies $4000 Solidworks software. Now that I have more information on ONEcnc, I think it's a similar situatation in CAM. Who needs Gibbs or M/C at
$8-15k? OK, maybe -somebody- needs the high end stuff, but most of us probably don't. I also get a (positive) feeling similar to what a number of other people have stated about the atmosphere and attitude of the personel.
And, I hear NO negative reports on ONEcnc software.
My impression is they have nothing to hide.

DO the DEMO even if you have dial up!

My list of CAM software vendors has been shortened considerably.
Possibly down to one (cnc).

dan k