
Your making me think way to hard. lol

I agree with your post except the egg shaped hole. The hole being egg shape is exactly what I thought at first but in thinking about it I'm not really sure. You could be right or not. Thinking about this long and hard enough I'm about ready to fire up the old Shoptask to see what the results would be, but then again on my Shoptask I might get any result or anything between. (joking......not really)

I'm very interested in this whole thread cause I am wanting to purchase a manual IH, upgrade it to CNC, and then bore motorcycle cylinders. I plan on moving the CNC electronics from my Shoptask to the IH mill. I emailed IH once about buying a manual mill and just the CNC mechanical hardware (screws, mounts and such) but didn't receive an answer/response. Not enough funds to purchase their complete turnkey CNC.
