Quote Originally Posted by Rick Tiglon Eng View Post
One of many, If the pictured vehicle was using a diesel fuelled generator it could be classified as a diesel/gasoline hybrid and might actually be considered for exemption from the London low emission zone (if it were a commercial vehicle) or even the congestion charge! the applicant would need to prove certain parameters, but it would be no more insane than a hybrid SUV being exempt even though it is huge, weighs tons and puts out far more of just about every emission than a modern Diesel or Petrol(Gasolene) micro car would, not to mention that the conjestion charge was implemented to reduce conjestion, surely bigger car = more conjestion regardless of emissions?

And before i offend anyone here, i would like to point out that i love my old F250 and would never give it up willingly, but i'm not dumb enough to try and drive it through central London. All things are good in their place and my old "Effie" likes the agricultural zones, and hasn't done many miles in the last ten years, so is more of a driveway ornament anyway.

It has been expressed a number of times throughout this thread that an individual needs to know the history in order to comment, and i do agree. but i would like to affirm that i think, without fence sitting, everyone is right. and it is more the implementation that we all disagree with. We all have our differences and a lot of opinions are gained from watching polititions and greenies playing with technology that they just don't understand, It is like handing a mobile phone to a monkey sometimes!

I like the swamp/evaporative cooler example as it is just so typical, there is no way that it replaces traditional airconditioning practice, certainly not in humid areas, but a hard core greeny "Mr Sandles" might say that it does to "Mr Charisma" the Politician, the project is then put in the hands of "Mr Jobsworth" the accountant, and he decides that he can cut the budget by using the old ducting for a nice cheap retrofit solution and guess what, all of the "Key performance indicators" point to a job well done;
1, Protestors, quiet (or at least whining about something else).
2, Politician, re-elected as he has satisfied public opinion.
3, Accountant, chuffed as he has saved a fortune.

But all of a sudden folks start to get sick and die from Spores and Legionella and whatever else. but why blame the gun? it's the people that pulled the trigger isn't it?

My Utopia is a place where folks fit an evaporative cooler because it works in their environment, it saves them enough money to justify correct installation and that it be properly maintained. We all move on to designing a system that works in an area that the swamp cooler just won't work, surely it would be better to devote time to discussing the successes and promoting them relentlessly, If one doesn't believe in climate change he/she might believe in the saving of public funds, or just good old fashioned progress where a new idea lives or dies on the back of it's own merits.

And before I get cut down yes, it is over simplified, yes someone has already said it a couple of years ago and yes we could all benefit from reading more books.

Best Regards

Thanks for being a reasonable voice in this wilderness.

Maybe it should be rephrased in that rehashing the old portions of this thread was not the intent. Learning the character traits, bad habits, and sure as Mariss pointed out.....the tiring rope-a-dope; tit-for-tat; offense/defense; ebbs and tides people in this thread have gone through. Some blow in then blow right back out, not up to verbal sparring to back up what they believe-they-think-they-know as fact from fiction repeated from their "trusted sources".

As I have stated before, this thread has been beneficial in showing there are more ways to think of the issue in many facets rather than getting stuck in one ideology. Although, I must admit that when it comes to the politically motivated pursuit of money and power grabs, I am totally against their efforts. Most of those elites pushing this have a lot to gain while using the environmental crutch no one should question. Pointing out flaws in the theory and speculation is demonized as careless with the majority of the factual exposing information contrary to that opinion silenced. Amazing that the hard truth can be subject to filtering from the insiders opposed to the agenda also based on scientific research. They can't alter the facts, but they can alter the message.

These supposed new ideas that do not stand on their own merits rarely indicate progress by funding them with coerced taxation and repressive regulation. I find this evident in that many of these so called green companies have been operating in the red for decades on subsidies. We are forced to pay for it's front end endless development, its production and whatever energy comes from it at a higher rate. Every government berates companies that do not operate with fiscal responsibility and even those that do as windfall profiteers. Yet they fund senseless projects and research with imaginary tax dollars so far in the red, it's beyond absurd……