Here goes nothing!

I am a 27 year old fabricator of anything!

I spend most of my time developing and building aircraft. the purpose of this macine is to make wind tunnel models for future aircraft designs.

For about a 6 months I have had CNCs dancing around in my head. About 1 month ago my fiance and I moved to a house with a GARAGE!! with the specific purpose of housing my newly built CNC. Now its time to make one!

so now where to start?

join a forum

So far i know i need a cutting table about 14"y X 48"x and as much y as possible hopefully 6". As of now i have a almost new variable speed RotoZip router motor i bought specifically for this machine.

As far as the structure and frame, I think I can come up with something pretty decent. what has me stuck so far are all the different liner motion systems out there.

For some reason i have V-grove bearings in mined but i don't know whats best for this size table, with in a reasonable price range.

Any suggestions and or a good catalog to order for these types of systems.
other than MSC and McMastercarr

