I recently received my Huanyang VFD from linearmotionbearings2008 and was quite impressed with the quality of the drive compared to the first Xin Ye drive which went bang.

I am trying to get the RS485 / Modbus communications going and up to now have not had a lot of success.

VFD Settings:
PD001 = 2 (run commands to comm port)
PD002 = 2 (operating freq to comm port)
PD163 = 1 (slave address 1)
PD164 = 1 (baud rate to 9600 b/s)
PD165 = 3 (8N1 for RTU mode)

USB to RS232 / RS485 converter

The RS485 converter has four terminatls Vcc, GRD, A and B. I have connected the A and B terminals to RS-, RS+ respectively. I was not certain about the ground requirements and left this unconnected to start.

My first attempt was to use Spindle Talker, which gave some run time errors even with the VB6 runtime libraries installed.

I have Realterm Software with the additional spy functionality so was able to monitor the serial data on the port. Spindle Talker did not seem to send the full string, just the first three sets of data.

So, I am now using Realterm and manually entering the command string.

The comms seem to be working as I get a 00 response from the drive when sending data, and odd data when turning the drive on and off. However when I send a data string such as 01 02 03 00 0B B8 7F 0C I still get a 00 response??

I'm hoping that someone who has got the comms working can double check my setting and maybe give me some pointers.

Thanks in advance
