I am a novice woodworker looking to build a CNC and really like what the Joe's Hybrid (I meant to put Hybrid in title, doh!) model has to offer. I am trying to start up a small home loudspeaker company that builds very large speakers, hence, the 4x8 requirement. I have built many pairs of speakers by hand with my tools but the thought and possibilities of using a CNC instead are mind-boggling. I currently own a Ryobi BT3100 table saw, a full size drill press, 3 routers, jigsaw, grinder, miter saw and a bunch of drills. I will purchase any of the other tools necessary to construct one.

My concern is my ability to build one with my limited shop knowledge. I'm extremely good with computers (can program) and I do catch on quickly but is something like this over my head?

Also, I'm looking for accuracy, but not absolute. Cuts that are within 1/32" would be just fine, but if I could fine-tune that down to 0.01" all the better.

Lastly, what do you feel is the absolute minimum I could get away with, $$$ wise, for a 4x8 that will do the aforementioned? I would love to keep everything under $2000, minus the computer, software and any tools I'll need. I'm talking only for building the machine with the motors, lead screws etc.

Oh, and one last thing. This forum displays messages from newest to oldest and it's the only forum I've ever seen do this. I can't figure out how to turn it around to oldest first, newest last. Any insight?
