After a long break from working on my twin Mori Lathes, I finally got around to installing a 10hp rotary phase converter in my shop (garage).

But reading through the old documentation and manuals, I'm a bit worried that my 240v service will be too much voltage for the controls (Yasnac 2000), which are labeled as "200-220v."

Anyone else running on a RPC? What are your recommendations?

Here's my plan:

Sell Lathe #1 (Mori SL-1H). I'll fetch more money if I can demonstrate it under power, making parts. I know I always feel like paying more when I can put a machine through its paces rather than "trust me, it ran fine when it was plugged in."

Use the money from selling the Sl-1H to partially fund a modern retrofit of the remaining lathe, a regular SL-1 with damaged control, but mechanically sound. I'll be designing the retrofit so that it operates fine off of 240v.

Given my plan, I really don't want to have to buy a huge buck/boost transformer. =(

Hopefully someone can share their experience, or common sense.