hey guys,
i just wanted to pick some brains to see if i can get some feedback. Our shop has a Precix Table router that doesnt work and it has been collecting dust in the back of the shop. Aside from calling Precix and paying an arm and a leg to get someone to come out and look at it. I was wondering if there are any resources for troubleshooting and Manuals online. I would like to get this thing up and running as it would help out the shop alot,cause right now i am left to hand cut the letter with jigsaws and band saws. the router is a Precix, im not sure what model, but im guessing by what it looks like that it is around the 9100 series. I have been told that it is pretty much a software issue as it has trouble with finding the Point of Origin or HOME position. I think there is a problem with the z axis as well. i would think it would just be a setting in the software but im not too familiar with the routers. any help would be greatly appreciated.