Ok, I know there are a lot of very smart ppl here, and I was wondering if I may ask for your help. I know I am not alone in this question and we really do need help with it. If any one of you have an idea for a linear bearing using the roller skate bearing please let me know as well as all the others that are need of this help. Something that is simple to build and doesn't cost alot to build. I am using 1/2" black gas piping for my cnc. I know it is something that most of you don't use but it fits in my budget, the budget that the wife has allowed lol. I know there must be alot of you that are in my same kind of boat that I am. I don't have a lot of money to spend at this time, with a wife and 3 kids growing like wild weeds........but in the future I will make the 2nd much cnc better. So please bare with me and all the other newbies out there that for what ever reason can't come up with a descent idea for a roller skate linear bearing (in other words a cheap linear bearing). Call it a brain fart, or inexperience, or a lack of know how........or hell even just plan lazyness, what ever; but please have a heart and help out. I have been lurking around in this community for a little while now and I have seen how generous and how intellegent this community is, and I hope to....no I will one day add back to this community. But for now I can't. Not because I don't want to, but for not knowing how too.....but for a lack of know how. I lack the experience and knowledge of many of you. So I guess I need to ask if you can post your ideas on a cheap linear bearing using the roller blade skate bearing. Any and all ideas would help! Maybe with all the ideas posted to one area we can come up with one great idea! Thank you all so much. Btw, I said all those nice things not to get a responce but to truely thank everyone who has helped our community, but most of all to thank the administrator/owner of this site for all their help and work. If I don't even get a responce back, or a responce that has the info on a bearing design, I will not be upset because what I have said I do really mean! This is one hell of a great site!