Hi all,
Was thinking of maybe moving up to a servo motor system for higher torque with a gecko drive. Then I looked around for some motors and saw that some of the new stepper motors have low amp ratings and very high torque. I have a Xylotex board, so 2 amps would work just perfect, and the motor is 7 volts or so so that would work aswell. But then I see other motors on the same page with amps around 4 and voltage a little less with the same torque. Is there any advantage or disadvantage with these motors? There has to be a catch somewhere because I think that in the torque curves it shows big declines after about 110 rpm or so. Is this why they can put out soo much torque. Would they not be very good for CNC use. How many IPM could one expect with a 12TPI Screw?
Thank you soo much for the help.
I really appreciate it. :wee: