....that's the opportunity and challenge of the internet, so much content but how to tell whats credible? its the old "If you say with enough authority it will be believed"....even if you've never ground or scraped a bloody thing.

a war? naw, I refuse in engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed man
i understood the significance of the process but if you saw to someone(without knowledge) the video and you say this is very expensive and precise machine they would look at you strange. people would expect lasers and other fancy stuff.
as you say, without knowledge, not to one who knows machines. Scraping is expensive, very time consuming and don't mean to imply its being done everywhere...its probably rare overall because it take so much labour (that's scraping, not frosting which is quick an does not add to accuracy). I don't think in terms of whether a technique is good or bad, or champion one or the other like its a sports team. The goal should be knowledge, understanding each techniques merits and drawbacks and when a particular technique might be the best to use. Mind you my filter is whats applicable to lighter sized industrial stuff, i pretend no expertise on larger production stuff.