Hi guys...
Actually thats my situation right now!
I have a 100K budget. I plan to do the invesment of my life, want to throw 50 cash and other 50 financed. I could throw the 100 cash, but want to have 50 in hand if I need something extra.
My CNC knowledge comes to a CNC lathe, CNC mill and MasterCAM course. Im very knowledgeable in several 2D and 3D CAD software, besides computers, some basic knowledge in manual lathes and mills.
By profesion I am an Architect with a Master Degree in Architectural Design...But my dream is to have a CNC Business, one for bringing to life my ideas, and in the way making a buck, starting of course with a small scale business.
I seen benchtop options, used entry level machines (Daewoo, Haas), used high End Machines (Mazak, Mori, Okuma) and new ones...The new ones get me to Haas and Daewoo only...So Im stock in the dilema...
Please help me out here guys...I know there are lot of friends around here that have gone to the same nightmare...Any help and advise is greatly appreciated...
Thank you...