Open Mind just had it's first in five webinar's covering the new features in the 2009.2 release of Hypermill.

Wow, Scott thanks for doing such a nice job. It was short but to the point and very easy to follow.

He covered the new job-list items like grouping parts of the list and new job features like transformation.

I am excited to see the the rest of the presentations.

Two things come to mind after seeing this. One is there was clearly a click of people there that all know each other but that I do not know. I sure wish you would all jump in here and make yourselves known to the Hypermill users here on CNCzone. Do all you guys live in the same place?

And secondly; If the very existence of these webinar's and the group of people behind them were made know to our forum, it would help sell Hypermill. It would reinforce the fact that Open Mind has a presence here in the states. I have friends that have attempted to evaluated Hypermill and come back to me and said well where is the on-line presence.

Many times I an others have asked questions here on details of the software features, there is no one on-line to answer. How do you all communicate among yourselves?

I know Openmind is scared to death of this forum, just look back through all the posts here, the attitude has always been " lets take this conversation off line!" That is the wrong way to create an on-line presence.

I know what you are thinking, what about the trolls? Well, we are in a unique position here to delete the trolls right off the face of our forum. I will not stand for it and neither would anybody else that wants to promote this forum.

OK, I am off my box. LOL

Thanks again Scott, Kevin and Ernie and the others who were involved in the webinar who ever you are. It was a refreshing treat.
