I have big Problems with my "new" Hobby Machine:
I bought a OKK, with Fanuc OM + PMC, AC Servo, `90th Sporadically, I can not turn on the machine, it comes, the alarm 403, less often, the alarm 401 The machine has connected only 3 axes, according to the Manual, the alarm 403 for the 4th Axis??
But sometimes not, turning on, then the machine is working properly.
I already have all the cables, the connectors, fuses, checked the voltages and compared, are all ok The release voltage is forever.
For error description:
If this error occurs, go to the Servocards, the LED DRDY very briefly (one tenth of a second or so) lights and go off again, and the error message comes directly on the screen. Somehow it looks to me as if a contactor does not stop there?
Can i turn off the VRDy Alarm? Ignore or so?
Thanks from Germany,