Hello folks, I would like to introduce CastCNC to the community of CNCZone.

First maybe and introduction of myself. My name is Harry and I built one of Joes Hybrid 4x4's last year. The machine is a fantastic design which has allowed ordinary people for a few years now to build a very capable machine.

There was however room for improvement, enter CastCNC

CastCNC is a set of aluminum castings that an ordinary Joe can put together by doing some cleanup work and drilling and tapping holes. In fact Joe will be receiving the first Rack and Pinion kit shortly to build one himself.

The R&P is a small departure from the leadscrew version so I have full confidence it will perform to every expectation.

Now speaking of performance, There a couple of short videos on my YouTube channel


I will be getting more videos up there over the coming days along with a 1000 IPM on the X axis which I am sure if you are reading here you know that is pretty rare if not unheard of in a leadscrew machine with 58" of travel. The two videos currently up are 600 and 800 IPM.

The CastCNC website is coming together and will have loads of pictures and of course pricing information, http://www.castcnc.com

I look forward to answering any questions you folks might have and building a lasting relationship with this community.

