i've got my machine up an running and really pleased. It's mainly for text engraving and I've fabricated a floating engaving tip (as suggested by some kind person on here) (Lord only knows why they are only available to buy in large sizes) and the engraving has been spot on. Incidently, I am using drag method and using Dremel recprocating tip - all four cats have theirt own tags now!

Next I'm wondering if I can save the settings for use next time, and also if I it is possible to write multiple lines of text? there is only space to write on one line.... I'm using a wizard with Mach 3 in restricted /free mode currently - I don't know if these options are restricted because of this? is there a way to modify the wizard and then save as my own?

Also, I've noticed that 'X' axis start box always self populates with a random number, I keep adding '0' in there but whenever I go back to the set up screen it changes, yes all the others stay at when I last set it.?

Many thanks.