I just getting familiar with this control as it is a much newer model then what i am used to. I wrote a program to flex a piece of steel but when i try to tell it to use a the G71 canned cycle the machine doesn't understand and try's to take it all in one cut. does anyone know how to canned cycle an undercut on this control?


it starts at an OD of 11.25" and about 11.5" from the face of the piece. This is what i need it to canned cycle: i need it to plunge down at a 15 degree angle into a 20" radius to and OD of 7.5 and continue straight for 122" then into a 10" radius into a 15 degree angle back out to an OD of 9.5.

As far as my knowledge goes it should b able to be done with a G71. is there a parameter that i need to change or is there a different command for it?
