Quote Originally Posted by montyLalor View Post
I've just started a job where the only CAM software I have is MC. My only other experience with CAM software is OneCNC XR3. I've enjoyed and also been frustrated by the post-editing experience. In my last job we used OneCNC to just post to regular Fanuc. Easy-as! But this job has entailed me creating a working post for the Okuma I run as an edit from a generic HAAS post!

Every time I think I've got it to the point where I feel it'll do what I want, I find a snag. But, like CNCRim mentioned, you need to work through it. Ask some decent questions on this forum. Try posting dummy programs using altered post files (after backing-up your last-know-good post first!).

It seemed daunting at first because Okuma language, though originally based on Funuc, is quite different in its coding. (Canned drill cycle Z-retract height differences are just the beginning!)

But, with help from some kind people here on CNCzone, I've been able to work the glitches out. Dummy posting and pst-file trawling is quite rewarding! Especially when it leads to being able to post with confidence.

With my limited experience, Cswife, should you choose MC, make sure you have working, proven posts as part of the deal when you sign. That and some training on post customisaton as the need will most probably arise!

Good luck,

That is similar to the Siemens 850SX control, it has a little different R plane and something else that made a high pucker factor.