Precision Plasma LLC is a company with a philosophy of providing low cost tables to hobbyists and small business owners. By providing only the mechanical system, it allows the consumer the ability to choose the electronics and software packages to best suit their needs and budget. It also allows for the ultimate cost of the complete package to be less than if everything was purchased from a single company.

Why is it less expensive?

Product liability insurance is based on a company's total sales and the level of hazard of the equipment. By not selling the plasma units or electronics, the total sales and hazards are reduced. This reduces the cost per table.

Support is very expensive. The mechanics of a table requires very little support if good documentation is provided. The electronics and software is much more complicated and accounts for 95% of the questions.

You can choose the level of support you want if you have the ability to choose the electronics and software packages. Purchase a Bladerunner kit from and you are purchasing support. (phone and e-mail) If you already understand the electronics and software you want to use, piece together your own system and save money. The information provided on the cnczone helps people research and understand the different options which allows them to make choices to fit their exact needs and budget.

Our target market is the DIY builders. People who could build a table themselves, but opt to purchasing a kit rather that sourcing and designing everything themselves.

Original Concept