Hey guys,

Let me first introduce myself. I'm Rik Hermsen, 22 y.o. student Elektrotechnics at university of Eindhoven (Holland). For the hobby I am building a MW54 turbine turboprop engine. To balance the shaft i build a balancer tool, and developped electronics for it. This last part, i'm still working on that. Here in Holland there are also serveral builders that were interested in the electronics.

I have a website (in dutch, i'm sorry about that) were i post photo's of recent projects were i am working/worked on.

You can find the website here!

My way of balancing (at least i hope to do so) is by driving the shaft with a motor and an elastic cord. Then the electronics (microcontroller) measures the speed and regulates the shaft to a constant speed at frequency of the band pass filter. I am still working out the desing, so it's not finished yet. The hardware (i.e. balancer mechanics) is finished and has all sensors needed.

On my website you cay also find pictures of the MW54 i'm building, as well as the building planns on that same page.

