I've been using various builds of SprutCAM for about a year and I've noticed quite a litany of bugs. Does anyone know if there is a remedy for any of these or if I just have to wait for them to be fixed in a later release?

-When editing the parameters of an operation, the program refuses keyboard input and won't start accepting it again until the program is restarted. (This usually happens when I'm inputing a value with the num pad)

-I think this has been discussed elsewhere, but SprutCAM seems to have a very difficult time outputing STL files from simulation results when there is any sort of curved feature on the part.

-Sometimes when I try to replace a tool in my library with another with updated parameters, it adds a second tool instead of replacing the original.

-Related to the last item, when a tool is added (even though it was supposed to replace an existing one), I often I can't delete the duplicate.

-Maybe this isn't a bug, but I can't seem to figure out how to cancel the drawing of a line in 2D geometry mode after the first point is placed without switching to a different tab (e.g. 2D to model).

-Related to the previous, I frequently can't delete 2D geometry by any means other than deleting the appropriate lines from the debugger text (shouldn't I be able to select a line on the screen and hit delete?).

-Sometimes tools will load in an upside down position. SprutCAM will then try to simulate cutting with the tool holder down and the tool up (and I've checked that my rotary axis is correct).

-If I accidentally load an incorrect IGES file, I can't delete it from the model tree, only its associated faces and curves. Usually this isn't actually a problem, but sometimes SprutCAM seems to think the old part is still there for the purposes of creating the workpiece around the part (i.e. there ends up being workpiece where there shouldn't be).

-My favorite one of all: SprutCAM frequently crashes for no apparent reason. There is no repeatable cause, and it usually happens at the most inopportune time.

I'm sure there are more that I've encountered, but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. If anyone has any suggestions for overcoming these issues, it would be greatly appreciated! Also, if you've noticed other bugs, please list them here so we can develop a semi-comprehensive list of issues to look out for. Thanks!