If you have solids software that imports Autocad files (For example I use CADKEY). You may find it doesn’t support autocad solids. So if your customer gives you a .dwg based solid model, what do you do ? Well us mastercamers could bring it in to MC, than convert / Write a .SAT that we could read into our other modeler right ? Well not if we didn’t pony up the dough for the solids option in Mastercam.

Heres the tip …

1. Open the .dwg file in mastercam by using File / Converters / Autodesk.
2. After the conversion you will be prompted to “Delete” intermediate SAT files. (Do not delete them.)
3. Launch your other modeler.
4. Choose import / .sat
5. in the file open dialog box, Navigate to MC9\Data\
you will see 1 .sat file for each solid that was converted during the .dwg -> .mc9 conversion process. You can import these into your modeling software.

Happy Camming