Just got my Super PID today
It took two weeks but it arrived today. Its the upgraded one with the larger Triac so it can control larger routers.

My goal is to go totaly automatic with Mach3 so I took a spare G540 and power supply and decided to do a test hookup.

I have a cheap $79 Dewalt trim router. This router has no electronics at all and runs normaly at about 28000 RPMS. It has a side mount so I thought it would be a cheap and quick replacement for my Festool MFK 700.

It took a while to get the sensor connected to the router. It was easyer to do it from the back end of the router as there was not room on the front.

I used a relay to provide Run control from the G540 to the Spuer PID. This allows the SuperPID to change display modes depending if its running or not.

Next I wanted to get Mach 3 to read the Tach out from the Super PID. This presented a problem cuse the inputs on the G540 are pulled high and the tach output on the SuperPID could not pull it low enough to register. I had to make a slight mod to the SuperPID to bypass a resiister but git it working. Now Mach3 rgisters the actual RPM that the router is running.

NExt was the VFD control of the router. This was pretty easy since the G540 lets you provide both the Ref GND and + volts that the PWM ckt uses. I just took the three leads from the Gf40 and plugged them into the three leads to replace the pot and we were rolling. I spend more time confiuring MAch 3. The main thing I did was turn on closed loop control of the spindle. This gave me perfect control over tyhe router.

Well how does it work?

I now have total control over the router. On and off and speed change of 5000 to 28000 RPM.

I cut my first plastic today and it was great. I even did some aluminum. No heat and very little noise. The little router has a lot of power at the low end and I did not get any over heeating issues.

One thing did come to light though. The Dewalt D26670 sounded good out of the box and the collet had very little runout but after about 40 minutes of testing the bearings developed some play. I should have expected it The last 5 routers I have purchased from that company have had the same kind of issues. But what can you expect for $79.

The speed controller and interface works good. After some more testing I will try other routers. I need to build some new mounts for my build anyway.

What I would like to do is to put a bypass on the Festool electronics so I could use that tool. But It does not seem right tearing inot a $400 router.

Both theese shots are done with Mach3 set to closed loop spindle control.