I'm going to convert a RF45 mill to CNC and I want to go with servo motors. I'm looking at The DMM High Torque 3 Axis Kit to use for direct connection. Going off the constant torque of 408oz and it's high 1015oz at only 20A I'm thinking it will work fairly well. The price is right and if I can later go to a closed loop EMC2 setup all the better. I'm waiting to hear back to see if the servo drive in analog mode still needs encoder feedback. I wouldn't think so in which case the encoder feedback would go to the PC and it would control dir and torque. It actually seems almost to good to be true. Limit switches, encoders, drives, servo's, cable's, E-stop, and PP BOB all for $1287.

It is about the most cost effect way to go Servo I can see. No need to make a belt drive setup. Direct Drive is easy to build and very very cost effective.

I just don't want to get it and then still have to go belt drive and in the process have a very slow system do to a reduction of the already slow 1052 RPM motor.

Thank you