Quote Originally Posted by Cold Turkey View Post
My new $26.00 breakout board arrived the other day and so this morning I decided I'd wire her up and get my limits to work. After removing the old breakout and having a look at the new one I seem to have hit a little bit of a stumbling block. The new board has 4 outputs per axis, however, the drivers have 5 inputs.

I searched around for a while to get a better understanding of the boards, but without any markings on the driver board (other than TONSEN) I'm having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around why there are 5 wires and not either 4 or 6?

Does anyone think they may be able to help me breathe life back into the beast?

The pins leading to the drivers from my old breakout board seam to read: 5V, GND, CK, CW, EN. VERY hard to read.

The pins on my new breakout board read XN, XD, XS, XE (X obviously the axis)

That is about all of the info I have,.. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, Dave.
My best guess of the mapping of the old board to the new board (since this is just a guess, don't take it as gospel):

Old New Meaning
---- ------ ----------
5V (none) +5 volt power supply?
GND XN (?) common ground
CK XS clock (step) pulse
CW XD direction signal
EN XE enable signal

My recommendation would be for you to try and verify that mapping by probing the output of your new breakout board (while jogging or running a test program) with (preferably) an oscilloscope or a multimeter and logic probe before hooking it up to the motor drivers. If you are not comfortable with basic electronics, maybe you can locate a friend who is, and who can help you with that testing.