Ok this is prob a shot in the dark, it seems like hardly anyone is using sketchup. I am starting off with it cause first of all its seems to be easy to use and two its free. I do plan on going to an other cad program in the future. I haven't yet decided on one that is good, easy to use and at a fair price. So for now I just want to get my cnc working as well as the ideas in my head on paper, or in this case on my personnel confuser. For my first project I want to build a shifter knob for my 1978 CJ7 jeep. I want to have an area to inlay a emblem in or have some sort of relief cut with a jeep logo on it. Later on I like to make signs and mess around with pool cue designs. Possible making them or more then likely carving on them. My question after my long winded statement here is.....I have drawn my shifter knob in sketchup 8, and it looks 3d, I even have saved it as a dxf file, but I don't think it will cut out as a 3d work. I have 4 axis with my cnc. The 4th being a rotating one. Is there something I am missing? Is there maybe a program (hopeully free) out there that will allow me to view my work before I actually start to cut it? Basically to do a simulated tool path? Maybe my dxf to g-code isn't good. Any help would be great!!:tired: