Hello Folks,

I hope you guys can help me out here. Machine went down due to a blown Disk on Module. Here are the chain of events:

-DOM took a dump; bought a new one.
-Uploaded OE software DOS 5.0
-Went to upload OEM software (disk that came with machine) only to find it was blank, uh oh...
-Went to V2XT yahoo group and downloaded same version BOSS software and installed on machine.
-Software works, all is well, machine checks out fine, except:

When homing the axis' I get an error that says, "Error in reading disk!! Hit any key" during the homing sequence. Once homing is complete, the axis numbers are all fubar. Z homes at 10.0000 and the X and Y are off also. X servo motor now humms louder than it used to. Hmm...parameters?

Now out of the four install options when loading the software one could select V2XT, 308, Explorer, etc. I selected explorer; however, I believe the parameters for this option may be different than for the "Explorer X-26" as the standard Explorer has less travel. Does this sound plausible for the homing issue at least?

Does anyone have a parameter file for the X-26 they would like to share?

Any thoughts on how to fix this issue?

Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!