Quote Originally Posted by photomankc View Post
I don't know. It's not the most enjoyable way to cut but I have been doing a lot with the 14" black HF chop saw and have made my way through 3" 1144 with it. Yes, the area will heat harden to some extent but never so much I can't trim that off and never very deep. Now on stainless I don't know. That's another beast. I'd love to get a bandsaw someday but for now the chop saw is getting it done for me and it I got it for under $90. It just does it with a lot of noise and mess. I keep expecting it to die with what I force it to do but it keeps on chugging along.
Funnily enough I have the same chop saw, and it's what stopped me buying the bandsaw for years. All I can say is I've haven't used the chop saw since I bought the bandsaw, and it's just so much easier it's worth every additional penny.