
I'm new to madcam but have been enjoying it for the most part. Im currently doing some test cuts for a plaque in acrylic and playing with different strategies for the finishing. Ive run into a couple of issues that may well be user error but at this point im not sure.

1. I'm seeing some witness marks in the profile of the pice that appear where I gather the tool is transitioning to a different area. This has only been with the z level finishing. The rest of the profile is untouched but where the tool makes this transition its been digging a bit into the work. Please see the attached image to see what the path is causing the issue.

2. Secondly, and ill have to dig up a screen cap that shows this. When doing a planar pass ive seen several occasions where the path will jump to a completely different are of the work piece and skip a large section only to come back to it later in the cut. This wouldn't be an issue except im seeing a trace of where the transition/jump occurred in the surface finish. Its subtle but there is a variance in the z height at the transition point. The continuously cut areas are uniform so it only seems to happen where these jumps occur.

I'm happy to hand over the file if that helps but don't want it to be public.

