Yeah, that's a big "1" next to my post count... so go easy on me! Just bought plans for a Joe's hybrid and I'm looking forward to getting started.

Anyway, a couple years back a company I worked for was sending some large format printers to the scrap metal yard and I couldn't let the Servo motors meet their doom under good conscience. I pulled them out and hung on to them... even though at the time I had no idea I'd be building a CNC router later on. I'm sure it's a lost cause, but thought I'd ask for some help on servo motors and whether or not these would even have a chance at working. I had a hard time digging up any information on them online (gotta love Japanese .pdf data sheets). I'm sure I'll probably just wind up using steppers but if these were to work I'd save a little on cash, which I'm not opposed to.

Thanks in advance for any replies.
