Hi all, hope someone can help.

I have a SL10 and servo bar 300, acquired them 2nd hand and had them serviced by our HFO. We have not had any real use for the barfeed up until now and suddenly we are hitting brick walls.

We are machining dia 18mm polymer material in lengths of 1015mm

I have checked the parameters in the barfeeds manual and compared to the parameters on the machine, they correspond.

I am following the following advice:

1. Enter barfeed macro variables on current commands (3100, 3101, 3102)

2. Place bar on charging tray

3. In MDI, enter g105 Q4 (remember to close chuck) and press cycle start. This will load bar, push into drawtube up to about 100mm from cutting area.

4. Press reset to enable using jog handle.

5. Select V+Handjog. Jog to selected reference position

6. Clamp

7. In MDI, enter G105 Q2 and press cycle start. Machine will enter variable 3112.

My problem is that when I do step 3, the machine clears load area (moves forward), moves back to V0 (right at the back), loads bar, moves forward (towards chuck), starts to inch forward right to the end of travel. I get an alarm that states: "servo bar out of bars" to that effect anyways. It does not return and load the pushrod for properly pushing the bar to the chuck. Why?

If I press reset before the "carrier" comes to end of travel, I get a "please wait message".

What am I doing wrong?
What should I do differently?
What else can I do for troubleshooting this?

Thank you all