Thank you all in advance.

I am trying to make identical parts on multiple fixtures. Using Fadal its E1,E2,E3,E4 (G54,G55,G56...) on 4 vises. So 1 part per vise using different XY 0. I want Each tool to complete all its operations before moving to next fixture.

I have tried few options but seem to be missing something.
I have managed to make multiple fixtures using "Transform Toolpath" but the issue is it runs Each Operation than moves to another fixture, than moves back to first and runs another operation and so forth. I want the entire tool to finish running on 1st fixture before moving to fixture two.

For Example If I have T1 Shell mill contour at Z0 and contour at Z-.2. The Toolpath transform will cut Z0 on E1, than move to E2, than E3... after that it will go back to E1 and run Z-.2, than move to E2, E3 and so forth. Now imagine that with 15 different pockets depths.

That cuts down on productivity due to additional moves between fixtures.

I also tried View Manager but frankly I get confused in it and it appears to have similar issue where I would have to copy each cut and assign work offset to it.

Additionally I tried sending out subroutine but it also creates subroutine for each operation rather than tool.

I can make subroutines by hand but working with fairly large NC files its very time consuming and easy to mess up.

If you guys have any suggestions please let me know, maybe even screenshots :-)

thank you,