Even if I substituted the entire weight of the Taig for lbs, I would still need to exceed 419 IPM for 24v to be under powered.
On 24V, you're maximum rpm from your steppers will probably be about 1000 best case. With a 20tpi leadscrew, that means you probably won't see more than 50 ipm.

While the formulas may tell you how many watts you need, it can be far more complicated than that. There are numerous threads here from people who have much larger motors and drives than they need, yet they get poorer performance than others using smaller, less powerful motors and drives.

To get the best performance from steppers, everything must work together, and compliment each other. That includes the motor, drive, power supply and leadscrew.

You NEED to use an UNregulated supply.
And yet 95% of people are using cheap, regulated switching supplies with no problems.