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IndustryArena Forum > Machine Controllers Software and Solutions > DNC Problems and Solutions > Feeler DT0 with Mitsubishi Meldas M50 parameter loss.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Feeler DT0 with Mitsubishi Meldas M50 parameter loss.

    Feeler DT0 with Mitsubishi Meldas M50 parameter loss.

    I bought used machine and it stayed in warehouse for long time and battery was discharged.
    Is there anyone hawing parameters for this machine ?
    If you hawe please send me.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    hi, i have a sem problem!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    have the same problem overhere. Feeler DT1 with 12 tools. Got it to run, with new 6801 plc data (dead after battery problem. The only problem i got is that, he only indexes 10 tools. doens't reqognise tool 11 and 12. I think it must be set in de parameter menu.
    Plc data of the meldas m50m is the same as any other tool.. Does somebody know how to ad the 2 other tools?????

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Tool changes and Tool registration are carried out by the PLC, so anything to
    do with indexing or registering tools and such are done by the ladder.

    The M50 simply passes your T numbers to the PLC, and then the ladder
    does the rest. So there are no parameters that specifically deal with tool turret or carousel configuration.

    Since you lost your battery, and replaced the ladder,
    Here are a few things to look for though:

    Check to see if tool life management is activated, you can view
    parameters - Tlife Check, Tcommand-2, T-select 2. There may
    be life groups that only account for tools 1-10.

    Check if there is tool registration is configured. this is done through the
    ladder, but if you go to the registration page under tool/param, you can
    see if there need to be tools registered in pots 11 and 12.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Tool reg lost Feeler(yasnec?) DT1

    Quote Originally Posted by camsys View Post
    Tool changes and Tool registration are carried out by the PLC, so anything to
    do with indexing or registering tools and such are done by the ladder.

    The M50 simply passes your T numbers to the PLC, and then the ladder
    does the rest. So there are no parameters that specifically deal with tool turret or carousel configuration.

    Since you lost your battery, and replaced the ladder,
    Here are a few things to look for though:

    Check to see if tool life management is activated, you can view
    parameters - Tlife Check, Tcommand-2, T-select 2. There may
    be life groups that only account for tools 1-10.

    Check if there is tool registration is configured. this is done through the
    ladder, but if you go to the registration page under tool/param, you can
    see if there need to be tools registered in pots 11 and 12.
    Thans Camsys!

    I'll check this later this week. If i have any information , ill post it overhere.
    Thans in advance

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by camsys View Post
    Tool changes and Tool registration are carried out by the PLC, so anything to
    do with indexing or registering tools and such are done by the ladder.

    The M50 simply passes your T numbers to the PLC, and then the ladder
    does the rest. So there are no parameters that specifically deal with tool turret or carousel configuration.

    Since you lost your battery, and replaced the ladder,
    Here are a few things to look for though:

    Check to see if tool life management is activated, you can view
    parameters - Tlife Check, Tcommand-2, T-select 2. There may
    be life groups that only account for tools 1-10.

    Check if there is tool registration is configured. this is done through the
    ladder, but if you go to the registration page under tool/param, you can
    see if there need to be tools registered in pots 11 and 12.
    Hi, i'm back again.
    Tried al the things as mentioned in the above section.
    Tlife isn''t active, and T-select can only be done with the 10 tools listed.
    Incl the spil its 11.

    If i input CL command in de MG ( ) it clears tools 1 ~ 10.
    But machine still ain't display 12 tools, but only 10 in de tool parameter list.

    Can't find a way to get 12 active tools in the tool parameter list.
    Extract the ladder diagram, even there i can''t find the setting for 12 tools.
    TThe only thing that i see is that a whole lot of data is sendet to registers.

    What next, must be somewhere in the ladder.

    Anyway, on manual tool selection i can rotate to tool 11 and 12, but if i give the the command t11, its gives the alarm message T-over. Or a programming error. 11 and 12 arn't in the list of usable tools...so what can i do next....

    Thanks in advance

    regards Nico

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I gathered from your previous posts that you lost your ladder and received
    a replacement from somewhere.

    The ladder is the most likely suspect here.

    My guess is that your replacement PLC is one that only sees 10 tools, and as I mentioned before, there are no parameters that deal with turret configurations

    I can only suggest that perhaps Feeler (Fair Friend Machine Co.) may have a replacement for you.

    Alternately you might place a service call with your local Mitsubishi field service
    office to help you.

    Sorry for the bad news.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Hi Camsys,

    Found a program to extract the plc data from a file.
    Saw that there where 2 position switched by L0 that will either use 10 tools otherwise uses 12 tools.
    After is set L0 permanent On, and rebooted the PLC i had 12 tools in my screen.
    Now i got an other problem , when i call T11 or T12 it says error25 no such program.. strange????

    Quote Originally Posted by camsys View Post
    I gathered from your previous posts that you lost your ladder and received
    a replacement from somewhere.

    The ladder is the most likely suspect here.

    My guess is that your replacement PLC is one that only sees 10 tools, and as I mentioned before, there are no parameters that deal with turret configurations

    I can only suggest that perhaps Feeler (Fair Friend Machine Co.) may have a replacement for you.

    Alternately you might place a service call with your local Mitsubishi field service
    office to help you.

    Sorry for the bad news.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Error 25seems to be a PLC error, I believe that there's still some ladder logic required.
    For example the PLC need to know what to send/check when it receives
    an 11 or 12 for physical T number.

    Check if theres a series of tools registered on your tool/param -> register page.

    Check your parameters if there a T macro call enabled.

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