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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    2500 to 4000 Aud to Spend

    I am looking into either buying CNC for guitar work.

    I need at least a 24"x24" envelope but no more than a 48"x48".

    Would prefer all Aluminum construction to MDF, PLY or HDPE.

    Not looking for a turnkey solution I will provide my own motors and drivers but if there are as good or better that the gecko stuff than absolutely.

    Needs to amount to less than $4000, This includes shipping fees.

    Can anyone recommend some machines.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    If thats your budget then you this might be up your alley:

    CNC Shark Pro Plus : CARBA-TEC

    Australian company too so you should get plenty of support although depth might be an issue.

    Although if you willing to risk it you can get a 6090 machine from china which after shipping and customs costs comes to around 3K but you can get them to modify it to get as much depth as you want (this is the option I'm looking at so far as I can't really build one myself).

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