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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    ETL certification

    Does anyone know when HAAS got their certification and more importantly does a 1993 vf-2 have any certification from a testing laboratory?


    the City I live in REQUIRES a certified machine if you want to operate in their city. I hear all of california is like this. Ive been in business now for 8.5 years and this is news to me.

    The reason I ask is that we are moving machinery and are in process of getting permits and the inspecters say the machines need the stickers on them. What a biatch! I am trying to obtain them from HAAs but you know how buracracy's are.
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    What type of certification are you refering to? There is all kinds that refer to machinery and equipment, there is OSHWA there is often the State or Provincial local Electrical Service Suppy Company standard (Electrical code), UL, ISO and others.
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    ETL Certification

    All my machines dated 2000 and later have the ETL sticker, the 19965 machine does not so that answers one question for you, the 1993 machine predates the sticker. All the stickers are identical; they do not have a number that could be correlated with the machine serial number so this suggsets it is just a blanket approval Haas has not something applied to individual machines so you should be able to get a sticker for an older machine.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    HAAS told me that all of their machines date from january 22, 1993 are ETL certified so Now I have to wrangle a sticker from them.. That should be like pulling a tooth from a very P!ssed off tiger!

    Hopefully that would work otherwise my somewhat anit-gov nefarious nature will kick in!
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    I must admit I had not heard of ETL before, the confusing thing is there are getting to be so many standards.
    One ETL testing site quotes:
    The regulatory foundation regarding certification from various NRTLs is identical. When a product bears ETL US-mark in the US, or an cETL-mark for Canada, its shows/proves exactly the same fulfilment of appropriate North American standard as the UL-mark or the CSA-mark.:Unquote:
    Now what does that imply? That it is the same as UL or CSA?
    Are they trying to create a standard that encompasses all standards?
    I don't get it. :drowning:
    CNC, Mechatronics Integration and Custom Machine Design

    “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”
    Albert E.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I think they are all the same and that they are just different companies trying to make a buck.
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Thats silly. If all they need is sticker print one up yourself: google>images>etl

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Al, UL and CSA license companies like ETL to do equivelant to
    UL/CSA approvals . and infact UL and CSA have licensed each other
    cUL and usCSA

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Damn..which Nazi city is this? Unbelievable

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Originally posted by Kool Parts
    Damn..Which Nazi city is this? Unbelievable

    Man am I glad I'm not the only one thinking that. Jezze I always though America was home of the brave land of the free.. I guess we should maybe rethink that free thing!

    You guys wouldn't believe some of the crap we are going through just to move into a building. The UL (or equiv) listed device reg. is classic, because I am pretty sure that if you have a 1993 machine that’s been working 16hours a day for over 10years There is probably not going to be anything wrong with it and NO TEST (no matter what the testing houses tell you) is going to simulate real world testing. But I still got to have the pretty little sticker.

    And I guess if you have a railing on a stairway that you use to hold on to as you ascend is really a hand rail because the city told me so. (Sounds like my wife ) Evedidently you have to have a handrail separate from the guardrail or it’s not a handrail!

    I think we do away with all the regulations that are supposed to save the stupid people from hurting themselves and let Darwinism run its course!

    I really am kind of pissed that they allow something to be sold that cant legally be used especially since you usually don't find out about the reg. until after you buy it and then the Gestapo city guys come in and tell you to get it stickered or get rid of it!

    Just a little warning for all you who purchase harbor freight and other el cheapos, Hide them when there are inspectors around or you’ll be playing the same game we are with the fascist nazi pig government!

    I think all government turn into Nazi style governments after awhile!
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    miljnor for what it's worth, a bit of perspective/info on what UL etc are
    testing for.

    for the most part they are not really testing anything, but are confirming
    that your machine/device has been assembled using sound electrical
    engineering principles.Wire sizes that are appropriate to the currents
    being carried, correctly rated overcurrent devices,proper short circuit
    protection,correct grounding of motors, and other stuff like that.

    Another thing that the Electrical Utility DEMANDS is that the the machine
    presents a correct electrical load to their service (power factor,balanced
    3phase load ,AL can explain this I'm mostly a mechanical guy)

    One of the many things that I did working while working for a machine tool
    dealer here in Canada was getting the Machines inspected and approved
    (CSA or provincial).

    I once was at a customer were the inspector was approving my machine
    as well as another (different supplier thank goodness) he noticed that
    the wiring was not UL or CSA approved, he cut a piece of the insulation
    off of the wire ,applied flame, removed flame, the insulation kept burning!
    if the wire was UL/CSA it would have stopped burning the instant the
    flame was removed.
    Imagine if you would, your entire electrical cabinet,drives,contactors ,everything on fire.

    Like I said for what its worth

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I'm still curious as to what city plays this game?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Steveg: I understand the need to make things safe but there are different definitions to "safe".

    Like for instance if you make an automobile and I purchase it you have to assume I don't know diddly about how it works. So things like it don’t explode when I hit a bump or electrocute me when I honk the horn, these are things I would expect in the automobile. And even though I don't like legislating things you really have to make some people do this (these are the same guys that won't use their own products and would probably sell their mother for a few bucks). And other less obvious recently more legislated (last 15years or so) like the car can be "relatively" safe when in an impact.
    Then their is "safe" were some people feel that their view is the proper view like wearing a helmet will driving a motorcycle. This seams obvious to allot of people that feel that your most likely to die if not wearing one. Yet if you ask most insurance claims adjusters they will tell you it’s an open or closed casket in most big accidents (although it kept me safe in one). So who's view is right? I think were it comes down to your own personal safety its your call (like if you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane ). And typically speaking allot of the codes that I have a problem with deal with this level of "safety". It's fine if the company wants to go that extra mile with the UL listing or any other thing but chances are if they have been making stuff for any length of time their reputation will precede them and if they are known for electrocuting someone or burning down shops then they probably won't be selling too many machines! And if they do any of the above then you can take them to court and sue them (don't get me started on law suits ).

    As far as things like guardrails on second stories that seam like a no brainer to me but then I am paranoid about being pushed off! But under no circumstance would I legislate it. Hell I go hiking all of the time and it always pisses me off that these really high narrow ledges don't have safety rails. I could fall off!

    If you work for someone and the job environment isn't safe enough for you, QUIT! And as far as the government picking up the tab for all of these people that go on disability for some injury that causes them pain be expensive, well just dissolve disability and the problem is solved.

    So as far as safe goes their are levels and its all really a matter if you comfortable working with them. Because as safe as they can make a work place their is someone somewhere doing something 10 times more dangerous and its OK for them because it needs to be done and that person voluntarily does that work. Same applies to anything.

    I am rambling now so I will stop until the next person pushes my button!

    I live in the city of Huntington beach (surf city) California and from what my electrician tells me all of California has that UL listing code in effect. I just have a feeling that most don't enforce it.
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    050928-1131 EST USA


    Move out of California.

    Our 2000 VF0 has the ETL tag, and so does the 2000 SL-20. Our 1993 thru 1996 VFs have a City of Los Angles cerification tag.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    i have a 1993 1994 and 1996 all have the City of los angeles tag (which I am informed is actually as good as the ETL, UL or CSA tag. But they have been cleaned so much that the tag is unreadable.

    move out of California is good advice but I'm not that smart, and I would miss all the pretty girls that have almost no clothes on during the summer.( I live/work 2 miles from the beach )

    would love to move to Montana join a milita group and shoot automatic weapons while making chips in the barn/shop. But I would have to get divorced, sell everything give half to the wife and pay her 2-3 milllion a week (isn't that how a divorce works? you marry them and they own you forever?) and wouldn't have any money to get those auto's or buy that barn. And I love my kid too much and everyone knows the wife always gets the kid.
    Michael T.
    "If you don't stand for something, chances are, you'll fall for anything!"

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: ETL certification

    Quote Originally Posted by miljnor View Post
    Does anyone know when HAAS got their certification and more importantly does a 1993 vf-2 have any certification from a testing laboratory?


    the City I live in REQUIRES a certified machine if you want to operate in their city. I hear all of california is like this. Ive been in business now for 8.5 years and this is news to me.

    The reason I ask is that we are moving machinery and are in process of getting permits and the inspecters say the machines need the stickers on them. What a biatch! I am trying to obtain them from HAAs but you know how buracracy's are.
    I have the official labels in stock along with the documentation, pm me if interested.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2021

    Re: ETL certification

    We currently have the OFFICIAL LABELS in stock as well as the documentation that accompanies them. PM me if interested.

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