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Thread: Coolant

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Exclamation Coolant

    Guys I know that the questions was asked so many times but what is the best coolant to use in a garage? I do not want the coolant to irritate my eyes and kill my lungs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Pysiek View Post
    Guys I know that the questions was asked so many times but what is the best coolant to use in a garage? I do not want the coolant to irritate my eyes and kill my lungs.
    Its not so much the coolant, as it is how you apply it. "Some" Mist systems have a tendency to "Fog" and put the coolant in the air which can cause the issues you mentioned. Mist systems like the Fog buster or the Noga Mini-Cool are supposed to be pretty good and not "Fog" up the shop. Or you could just use a traditional flood coolant, which would not "Fog" but you would need some method of collecting, filter out chips, and re-pumping it to the work piece. No easy answer sorry.

    I guess WD40 and a compressor is a pretty good temporary solution though. But gets to be a PITA real quick.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I'm gonna use the "flood" system. Right now I'm designing a case in which I will be able to use the coolant.
    Also I already have purchased that kit: LMS coolant kit.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    KoolMist 77 is about the most benign stuff there is. No irritation, no odor, no mold/mildew. And it's pretty cheap - about $30/gallon, which dilutes to 32 gallons.

    That said, for a benchtop mill, I would use mist. Flood is very messy, and simply not necessary on such small machines. And, you'll go through a LOT more coolant with flood. I worked my way through a single gallon of KoolMist over 3 years with mist coolant. After switching to flood, I go through a gallon a month.

    Ray L.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I use kool mist and learned to mix it about 1:5 with water to prevent rust unger my vises. sed to get surface rust unless I pulled my vise every few nights, but two nights ago I pulled both vises for a fixture and not a hint of rust even though they have been on for 2 weeks and I've used a 1/4 gallon of coolant in that time (doing short production runs with a LOT of drilled holes. I crank the mist pretty high even drilling and slotting. 77 is cheap.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Guys thanks for the info. I went with Syn-Kool. I have looked over the hoss's project where he build a flood coolant enclosure. I think I might build similar one.
    Did you guys make your own coolant enclosures?

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