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IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking > MetalWork Discussion > ok share the knowledge share the wealth...huh...right
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    ok share the knowledge share the wealth...huh...right

    [FONT= Georgia][SIZE=7][COLOR=DarkRed]
    ok this is red because my southern neck is about to show.....bear and beer with me a minute....it's us right the poor guy struggeling to make ends meet that provide the solutions and the labor to run these noisy,oily,ye-eng-yen-yeng-yen, things....while the "boss" sits on the phone and tells everyone how great he is at making parts.....well boss show me again how to replace a broken bit....what? offset? toolpath? ...well i can think of a real good tool path....sry......just seems like the plunge rate is increasing behind me all the time...i'm not just a machinist i'm a technician too...just like i'm sure most all of you guys out there are too....I'm still venting give me a minute...well there's the U.A.W.U. the teamsters, the U.J.W.U. don't forget F.I.C.A. ; but it's our backs these shop owner's and software development companys are ridding on ....I say enough....we need a U.C.W.U (united cnc workers union) ...yeah....I say we don't run programs that fail to meet our standards..and one control lanuage is all that's necessary..motor drivers...man my pc with 450W power supply will meet most steeper needs...I'm tired of going through the shop and seeing....thousands of dollars being spent on drives/controllers/software....it's just 1's and 0's in the end....all of it.....steeper/servo/tach....still just a pulse and feedback.....and may the god's smile on you....I still have to load an octal cpu from tape reader every morning on 2 of my machines.....well i say let's get our stuff together...when they ask if we can convert codes accept another poorly generated toolpath.....go in and fix it....I'm saying no....I forgot how fix G&M codes to run those backward want-a-be cad designers.....make your stuff fit my stuff...I'm still running the machine....My machine is tired of hitting limit switches because someone forgot to set their software up...0,0,0,0 ....or that you can't home at maximum feed rate without running over A/C electrics cabinet kill it's gone krazy switches....or how far to back-off limit/sw...I mean..I'm tired of having to rewrite every piece of software....adjust pramaters.....one standard.....for all....they still just move one pulse at a time...pwm or micro or 1/2 or 1/16....still just one pulse at a time.....and please turn it off or to ploter or something when you leave it....that A.C. hold voltage is rough on everything from drive power-supply to the motors...I bet they wouldn't stand stiff legged overnight, or through lunch....well I'm done now....thanks for listening......my spare time is now being spent on repairing lightbulbs...when I finish my cnc solution...it's gonna be free to all.. first copy goes to cad/cam rep that got paid more for his upgrade/update than i got for my last 3 months....hope he enjoys warrenty repair....I see alot of trips in his future since i forgot how to pre-test and pre-view...lol....seamless.......seen-less..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Wow. Bad day?
    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I learned my craft as a conventional machinist in the early 70s from a conventional machinist, bore hand. He also taught me a phrase and philosophy I would like share... "...That's Life in the Machine Shop!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Running a shop of any kind is not easy, nor is it a one man show. It takes several people and some are happy with "good enough". Unfortunately, sometimes this includes programmers, which is NOT the area for a "good enough" attitude.

    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    oaktree444...guess you're tired of being flexible and want to be rewarded for saving the company's butt.....don't blame you.....the people that actually do the work get paid the least and are the first to be let go....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Yeah - this is a typical feeling of machinists (and many other tradesmen).

    If one thinks they can do better by themself, then I would suggest that you scrape up the cash, go out and buy your own equipment, tooling and facility and go to town.

    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Actually some of the more successful companies...do something similar....let you bid on internal jobs using their equipment....breeds happier employees, higher quality, etc.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    That's a neat approach!

    Consistency is a good thing....unless you're consistently an idiot.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    thank you all for letting me rant and rave a little....expecially our host....I feel better today....well not as frustrated.....located a nice compiler on web site upload....now I'm stareing at a corner full of old computer parts...and poker machines.....and some old car stereo ampfliers.....sure would like to recycle these old lan/ethernet cards....
    but having difficulty locating any solid doucments on lan's ...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Like 10 Mb ethernet....hmmmmm....recycle for yourself or donate to Goodwill....not much of a market for those now.

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