Quote Originally Posted by aprice12 View Post
I'm glad I found this thread. I am in the process of designing my own three axis machine using aluminum structural T slot material. I may or may not use Misumi T slots because I have access to a large quantity of 80/20 and Bosch material. Free can't be beat - especially for my first build.

I have been using Misumi's products for several years and have always found their products to be of exceptional quality. It's like having my own machine shop at my mailbox. I always get a kick out of how well my items are packaged. The Japanese still know how to do that. Here in the U.S., packaging things well is a lost art like bagging groceries.

How is your build progressing? Its been several months since your last post.
The build is largely on hold. With now six month old twin baby girls, I'm at a level of sleep deprivation where I'm not sure I'm safe around power tools. ;-) Fortunately, the day job involves mostly work with computers. And meetings. Lots of meetings. The downside is that the day job is also involving 3 days a week being away from home. Translation: no time for CNC building. If I had to peg it, I'm about 80% - 90% done with the structural build, but after this step comes the squaring and leveling part. That will take some time since that's where the precision is won or lost. All of the work prior is to make that step easier or harder.

If I can catch a break or five on work and my girls get rid of their reflux, I might finish this by Christmas -- only seven-ish short months away! :drowning: