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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    MThe company I work for just ordered a Tsugami. I forget which model. I am going for a 3 day training. However I have no experience with screw machines, only cnc mills and lathes a few years ago. I am familiar with Fanuc tho. Are these pretty user friendly machines to program and run?

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by namder1 View Post
    MThe company I work for just ordered a Tsugami. I forget which model. I am going for a 3 day training. However I have no experience with screw machines, only cnc mills and lathes a few years ago. I am familiar with Fanuc tho. Are these pretty user friendly machines to program and run?
    I really like their dry run and program check modes. It makes prove out and set-up easier. You should find out what model and load the Abile software into your computer and start to learn before you go for training.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    OK, what is Abile software? The machine is model S206 but my boss may upgrade to the S207 which has larger capacity.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Tsugami's Abile software is what allowed me to put a disc in a PC, and with zero software training, create, upload and run a very complex 3-channel program on a new BW-12. It's easier to use than Partmaker, puts out clean code from the git-go, and is free with the machine. Nothing I've ever seen could compete.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    s207 has programable b axis(5 axis) still a 20 mm

    abile is a basic cam software that comes with the machine

    when i got my ss 32 i only had 6 months of lathe experience and 3 days of apps training, we now run almost every part under 1.25" in this machine because of its versatility

    i strongly advise getting the chucker kit, that way you can avoid the learning curve associated with the guide bushing and if youre going to run the guide bushing buy the best stock you can.

    the deadman walk thru will save you a lot of pain although it does get tiring after 5 minutes or so

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Agree With the chucker option. Guide bushing machines really need ground bar stock. The tsugamis were hit and miss when I serviced them. 80percent ran without any issues, then the others were a pia. They all seem to be more rigid and tougher than the rest. It was model specific. The s series were usually pretty good. Guess I should back up a little... Tsugami also made other machines at the time, and had come out with different products, that I'm sure they finally got the bugs out. That was some time ago. you may or may not be aware, but Mori seiki has a partnership or Owns part of tsugami, and reps them in Europe, just not in the states yet. I never had issues getting parts or someone on the phone. Rem sales was the importer for the us, selling through other distributors out of there territory.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Abile software

    Quote Originally Posted by PixMan View Post
    Tsugami's Abile software is what allowed me to put a disc in a PC, and with zero software training, create, upload and run a very complex 3-channel program on a new BW-12. It's easier to use than Partmaker, puts out clean code from the git-go, and is free with the machine. Nothing I've ever seen could compete.

    I had this software on my desk top computer and loved it. Now that I have my lap top and it has a 64 bit operating system my computer will not take it. Anyone have a 64 bit copy they could share?? I miss the ease of use that it offered as I am just starting out in programming and am very unfamiliar with any type of CAM software.

  8. #28
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by LATHEGIRL View Post
    I had this software on my desk top computer and loved it. Now that I have my lap top and it has a 64 bit operating system my computer will not take it. Anyone have a 64 bit copy they could share?? I miss the ease of use that it offered as I am just starting out in programming and am very unfamiliar with any type of CAM software.
    right click the application start exe and under the compatibility tab choose to run it in "compatibility" mode by clicking the radio button and selecting something like windows xp from the drop down list. this is how you run most 32 bit programs on 64 bit systems if you're having issues

    should help

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Thank you so much I will try that Monday when I get back to work!!

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    that machine kicks butt... so many diddferent things you can do. ever seen a thread whirlrer?

  11. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I have been running a Tsugami SS20 for about 9 months now and absolutely love it. We have installed a thread whirler and it is so much better than trying to single point everything!! Have to say I like our Tsugami better than I like our Star SR20.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth370 View Post
    MThe company I work for just ordered a Tsugami. I forget which model. I am going for a 3 day training. However I have no experience with screw machines, only cnc mills and lathes a few years ago. I am familiar with Fanuc tho. Are these pretty user friendly machines to program and run?
    I have only been programming since September and have learned how so far on our SS20. I had a great trainer from REM sales that showed me the ropes, but yes it is pretty user friendly. If you have abasic understanding of M & G codes you should be ok. That is really all I have and I have been very successful with the machine. If you have the Abile software that came with the machine you should have absolutely no problems programming. Just draw the part and let the software do the rest. Good luck!!

  13. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    the cool thing about the ss is it really is two machines on one casting,

    you only need wait codes for transfering parts and using the tool 40-45 positions

    when were running aluminum we can leave the machine running for a month without touching the control/tools, we even replaced the stock parts bucket with a 5 galon bucket

    mine is now about 4 years old running 24/7 most of the time, other than having bearings done in tool drive units the thing is always running,

  14. #34
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    Apr 2012
    Do you use the "dog leg" bars for tools 41-46? I haven't had the need to use ours, yet. It definitely is a machine that is built to last!!!

  15. #35
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    Aug 2006
    those positions are the backside of 17-22 i only run drills back there, and you have to watch how far they stick out,

    i had a long double ended holder sticking out the back and it caught the parts catcher and drove it down into my z2 apron, $1000 later and a lot of hammering and swearing and i had it running the next day

    those positions can also hit the subspindle on partoff but i have an ss32 so it might not be an issue with a 20 with its smaller spindls

  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by hacdlux View Post
    those positions are the backside of 17-22 i only run drills back there, and you have to watch how far they stick out,

    i had a long double ended holder sticking out the back and it caught the parts catcher and drove it down into my z2 apron, $1000 later and a lot of hammering and swearing and i had it running the next day

    those positions can also hit the subspindle on partoff but i have an ss32 so it might not be an issue with a 20 with its smaller spindls
    One of those over confidence I don't need to single block or run st 5% rapid moments eh?

    Aren't those just the best

  17. #37
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    Aug 2006
    more like i ran this program 6 times and never had a problem

    butt ---- i skipped around a form tool and a .018 id groove tool and shortened the cycle time on the sub by a minute. parts catcher wrong place wrong time.

    actually tsugamis have a very nice deadman feature where you have to spin the mpg to make the program run, and you sit there like vouve got a big ol bass on the end and keep on reeling

  18. #38
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I agree Tsugami is a good machine however the live tools are a little too far off the guidebushing. This is a problem when doing any small diameter work or machining anything in Nylon or soft plastics.

    I also agree with the recommendation to use oil verses water based coolant. The live tool bearings will rust out very fast and they're kind of a ***** to replace. Hangsterfers Hardcut NG CF is awesome. I've drilled a .015 diameter hole nearly an inch deep using this oil. Although that was on a Tornos TB Deco.


  19. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by timan View Post
    Looking at the SS20 nice machine and nicely priced. Good, Bad, Ugly thoughts on Tsugami?
    Run far and fast they are junk

  20. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by andys2006 View Post
    Run far and fast they are junk
    You do realize this post is old? Tsugami is far from junk my friend, i think your either joking or not very skilled.

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