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IndustryArena Forum > WoodWorking Machines > Commercial CNC Wood Routers > Chinese Machines > Experience with carving-cnc.com 6040 router
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I just recognized that one of the steppers has been wrongly wound. And as I am not capable of rewinding a Stepper, it seems I have to buy a new one. The quality control seems to be really non existent...although a crude control would be so simple.
    E.g. all my other steppers have 1.2Ohm per winding, and this motor does have 0.8Ohm on one winding and 1.6Ohm on the other winding...

    Edit: I found some old Powermax Stepper in my "stuff-box". And it works!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    I recognized, that there was quite some noise on the inputs. E.g. if I switched the spindle on/off the inputs, which do have a bit a longer wire connected to it, gather enough noise, so that the SW saw the input. Like that, e.g. everytime I started the spindle I got an estop.
    The inputs, as they are made, are certainly very sensitive to noise, as they are just PU with a big resistor. So I simply soldered an additional 100nF filter capacitor to every input on the Parallel-Board. And it now works like a charm.

    Ah BTW: I exchanged all the cables on the machine with real flex cables. I don't think the original cables would have worked for long...

    Some Final words...
    The basic mechanics seems OK. But it does not look, as if they've ever been tested, otherwise the internally wrongly wired Stepper would surely have been noticed.
    The electronics surely needs some fiddling and should not be used as is.
    But everybody capable of soldering, can easily get rid of these problems for very little money.
    I like the 1.5kW spindle. It runs very smooth and very silent. This I cannot claim for the delivered water pump, which is quite noisy.
    It's just a pity, that there's no manual for the inverter, so that I would know, how to program it, and how it should be connected to be controlled by the SW.

    Although I asked the dealer two times, about the missing probe, he completely ignored it. Therefore I don't think I will ever see it...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I gave up on the original controller that came with my eBay 6040 and replaced it with a Gecko G540 and a 48V power supply. I also replaced the stepper cables.
    Movement is much more reliable although not as fast as I'd like.

    Current task is sorting out the VFD and spindle.

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