Woooo Hoooooo!!!!

So, I sealed the drum with several coats of polyuethane a few days ago, sanded it, and let it cure for the time since.. I just got through putting the velcro on, and then some 150 grit sand paper...

Fired it up and tried sanding a scrap of maple with it...Even with the velcro mounted paper it very much works like a precision thickness sander... Man, this thing is gonna be great!

All I have to do is to finish building the drum enclosure, wire up some switches, and then I can use it (manually cranking the feedbelt).. Later I can power up the feedbelt, and get it all tracking nice...

In the meantime, I gotta glue up and turn another drum for the 220 grit paper...

Also scraping up the money to buy a dust collector later this month... Sawdust is really getting to be an issue in the shop....

Looking at THIS ONE

Once I get the shop cleaned out, and the ducting for the collector installed, I can turn my attention to collecting steel and starting the rebuild of the CNC in the shop... The only other piece of equipment that is somewhat 'urgent' is a good bandsaw and resaw fence....

Anyways, here's some more pics... Sure relieved now that I know it's gonna work like I wanted... AWESOME!