What version of F-engrave are you using? Version 0.7 is the latest and has some significant improvements over older versions. (this may account for the extra part on the "f")

In the first situation with "Af en toe walnootolie aanbrengen" does everything show up except the dot for the "i"? Did you write the g-code to a file and preview it in MACH or LinuxCNC (EMC2) to verify?

Are you using the windows executable ".exe" file or do you have python installed. If you have python installed which version of python is it?

I did notice that during the calculation it may appear that the dot on the "i" does not get filled in but after the calculation the dot is black indicating that the dot will be cut. This is probably not your issue because this happens in all cases for the dot in that font.

If anyone else can duplicate these issues please speak up.