Temo, Would you consider calling in the first tech back in? You said that he was a pretty good tech. He probably should have been able to address the no video display but he might be stronger on diagnosing machine problems but not that good on digital electronic /computer problems. Now that you got the video to work he might be able to help you.

Also I would reconsider Maverick's concern. Most machine prints have connections diagrams. They will show where connector should go. They should also give the connector's labels/ names. Where is that other extra hyd. cable going now? Is it just disconnected?

As far as your Utube video. There were several items that looked interesting. At time equal :28 seconds the choices display mode, contacts, I/o rack, i/o boards,analyzer, print are some items that I would explore. Also at time equal " 1:12-1:14 I would look at "Cl_Elect_on" and also "Cl_HYD_MTR". Not sure what those names are all about and if they would be of any help.

Perhaps a call back to the helpful tech from the Hard drive company( siemens?) might be abe to more additional insight at looking at your problem.

Also I think that you have more than one page of I/O. It would be nice to see the the other I/O pages. They may give some good clues.

Your machine may have a simple Hyd starting problem. Or it may be a connection problem, or a software problem , or machine problem like an overtravel or a drive being tripped out, or it may be a more complex problem.

In general we were trying to help you address a simple hyd. motor problem. It may not be so simple. Lots of info is always helpful.

Good luck. FanFan