"But be careful who you share that info with"

Yeah, tell me about it!

Well I just finished the SC work for the little stainless bush I need to make. Tapers on the ID and OD.

A fair bit of messing about with additional sketches and what have you, but it's looking like it'll work.

The trouble is that the more I get into this, I'm getting the need to order tooling. So far I've just been nicking my lathe tools from my little Chinese lathe at home, but you know what it's like......I need this....I need that....Blah Blah Blah!!

Got a nice way to machine the taped bore inside. Using 3D contour and fudging the MAC position so that the tool will actually stay in the bore and not try to fight it way out!

Gotta love SC. So many ways to do so much, and very user friendly.

If I do too much of this I might just write a dedicated GPP file that flips all the X and Z moves around for me, and keeps all the moves safe. Then again, it's not always the case as some of the ops are simple drilling, so no need to flip those around, but hey, wouldn't take too much to figure out.....(famous last words!).
